Online fitness coaching - supporting your fitness goals remotely
Are you currently stuck at home? Isolating as an individual or as a household? Social distancing so you can't go to your favourite group classes or the gym any more? Were you keen to start an exercise programme but now effectively house bound? Worried you are going to lose all your fitness and pile on the pounds being in the house all day?
Before you go and download an array of random home workouts or fitness plans, I can help you with a personalised ‘at home’ fitness plan just for you. Exercise is so beneficial for the body and mind, but it also needs to be the right kind of exercise for you. That is why my online programme will be founded on:
Your starting point - what is your current fitness level? Just getting in to it? Getting back to exercise post baby and need help with how best to approach this for your body? Avid exerciser but keen to keep it up? Pregnant and want to know how to safely and effectively exercise?
How your body moves – I will look at how you move and breathe. This is so individual, and so important in terms of what I help you with and what I get you to do. I'll observe your body’s movement strengths and restrictions / weaknesses, consider your lifestyle, and factor in what your body has been through – pregnancy and birth being fairly major for starters! Our plans will play to your strengths and work on those restrictions or weaknesses - you never know they may become your strengths!
Your personal objectives – what do you want to get out of an at home fitness programme? Keep moving in a way that is right for your body & mind? Not turn in to a couch potato if having to self-isolate? Keep your fitness levels up? Build your fitness levels? A programme you can do with the kids?
Your home set up – what time, space, energy and equipment you’ve got - it needs to be realistic to work for you.
How will it work?
We will start by assessing where you're at and where you want to get to, taking a realistic view of what's currently possible in terms of time, home set up, and energy. I would like you to complete a screening questionnaire where I ask you about your health, lifestyle and personal objectives. This information is essential in developing the right programme for you - I want to help you in the best way.
We will then have our first video call session for us to meet, talk about your objectives, and visually understand your starting point by seeing how you move. I will then start prescribing your personalised plan - teaching you appropriate and effective exercises & helping you with the all important technique.
I will follow our sessionwith an email of your plan, and we will agree when our next video session will be to review your plan, progress, and get you working out!
Food and drink is an important part of fuelling and shaping your body - so we will need to look at your diet. I will ask you to do an (honest!) food diary, this will help us decide how best to compliment your exercise plan, whether it's a few easy tweaks to your diet or whether we need to add some more rigour!
Our subsequent sessions can either be 1 hour or 30 mins, whichever suits you and your situation best.
You can also contact me between face to face sessions if you have questions or want a bit of advice - I'm here to support you on your journey!
How much does it cost?
Initial assessment online and subsequent video session (1 hour) and home-based exercise programme: £55
Regular video sessions to workout, review and progress you within your programme: £30 for 30 mins, £45 for 60 mins (inclusive of plan update)
Payments are made in advance of sessions.
How do I start?
Please get in touch to get started! I look forward to hearing from you.